Mey Hofmann
Is the creator of the Hofmann School of Restaurant Management of Barcelona, the only school in all of Europe whose restaurant has had a Michelin star since 2004. A multifaceted woman, she studied economics and interior architecture in several European capitals before finally submerging herself in her great culinary passion. Her training began in Paris, where she earned her diploma “Cordon Bleu” and then she went on to amplify her studies at the “Lenôtre School.” In 1982 the Hofmann school was born, the fruit of her work, illusion and effort. With more than 25 years in operation, success is guaranteed. More than 2,000 students have been converted into great professionals of the stove at leading restaurants throughout the world.
2007 was a year of change. Mey and her team opened the new Hofmann restaurant in Barcelona.
She serves as an outside consultant to numerous restaurants and hotels throughout the world, among which we can highlight the Intercontinental in Rio de Janeiro and the Café Paradiso in Portugal. The Hofmann School has more than 30 professionals who form part of the staff and also counts on the collaboration of prestigious chefs such as Alain Ducasse, who has won a total of 14 Michelin stars, the more awarded chef in the history of gastronomy.
May is the author of books on gastronomy such as “Fire and passion in the kitchen”, “Help! I have guests” which are required reading for those who love the kitchen.
She collaborates in television programs shown in Brazil where gastronomic demonstrations are broadcast. Her restaurant has become a favourite of innumerable Hollywood stars who travel to Barcelona, as well as individuals from the world of sport and other great personalities. The walls are replete with photos and help to make the Hofmann a myth.
Her cooking begins daily with Mediterranean flavours. It is a fusion of styles and techniques, the traditional with the vanguard. Her guiding principle is “to unite quality and precision and cooking with rigour and care.”